1. avg. 2015

Summer challenge at OCC

Pozdravljene....čas je za poletni izziv pri Our Creative Corner..........
Hello friends....It`s time for OCC summer challenge.....


Mexico Moods

We want you to grab any inspiration you like from these wonderfully exotic photographs...

Go for colours, shapes, textures, objects or style.

There is certainly plenty of inspiration to choose from here in this selection of glorious, vivid, colourful photographs.

Join us in the summer holiday mood....!!!


Živahne barve in prelepi vzorci so me navdihnili in naredila sem dve broški.....
Bright colors and beautiful patterns give me enough inspiration to make two brooches..... 


Tule so koraki skozi postopek: 

1. S pomočjo Sizzix Tim Holtz Sized Circles Movers and Shapers šablon izreži kroge iz tkanine in pene. 
2. Pripravi dodatke: različne perlice, stari gumb. lesen krogec, sukanec, laks in žico. 
3. Okrasi prednjo stran enega kroga, ki si ga izrezala iz tkanine.
4. Prišij sponko na drugi krog.
5. Sešij skupaj oba kroga, vmes pa dodaj peno.
6. Popestri svojo garderobo z novo broško.
Here are quick steps through the creative process:
1. Cut fabric and foam with Sizzix Tim Holtz Sized Circles Movers and Shapers Die. 
2. Prepare embellishments: different beads, old button, wooden circle, thread and wire. 
3. Take one fabric circle and embellish the front. 
4. Sew brooch pin on the other fabric circle. 
5. Sew together both fabric pieces and add foam circle between. 
6. Wear your new brooch.
Tole je torej moj prispevek k poletnemu OCC izzivu in rada bi vas povabila, da se nam pridružite.....ta izziv ni poseben, samo zato ker imate več časa, da se nam pridružite, ampak tudi zato, ker imamo dva čudovita sponzorja:
So, that is my contribution for OCC summer challenge and I would like to invite you to join us….this challenge is not special only because you have more time to join in, but also because we have two gorgeous sponsors:
Stampington & Company



To poletje dobi nagrado vsak, ki sodeluje pri Our Creative Corner izzivu! Stampington vsakemu sodelujočemu ponuja bon v vrednosti $2 za Stampington e-crafting! Pridite.......
Everyone is a prize winner this Summer at Our Creative Corner!
Stampington have very generously offered to give everyone who enters this summer challenge a $2 voucher for Stampington e-crafting!

7 komentarjev:

Unknown pravi ...

Oh My Goodness, Ana! Whatever fears you may have had about our Mexico Moods inspiration board, you created right through with these Beautiful brooches! Just WOW--these are soooo pretty! I love the beadwork you included--you strung your own beads! Of course you did :) :) LOVE the fun pink tassels and beaded lengths that hang down! Completely wonderful inspiration for the August half of the challenge! Happy August to you!! XOXO-Shari

Scrapintheattic.com pravi ...

Ana, I love those brooches, they are so cool. I am inspired to make some to go on a scrap page! I was not a fan of the Mexican Mood board either but you rocked the look. Hugs Jan x

Words and Pictures pravi ...

Exciting to see you stepping into the colourful zone! Your brooches have such a feel of ancient Mexico, and I love all the loose thread creating such movement.
Alison xx

froebelsternchen pravi ...

AMAZING brooches Ana!

helena pravi ...

Vauuuu, čudoviti sta!

Dorthe pravi ...

Dear Ana, thank you for all your lovely visits to my blog, I am so happy to see you again!
Your brooches are exitingly strong in colours and gives a feeling of a world far away from here, in North Europe, Scandinavia ... so saying Mexico mood , fun dance, and laughter!!!
They are wonderful !!!
Hugs, Dorthe

Ruth pravi ...

So behind with commenting, loved these as soon as I saw them, stunning brooches. Ruth xx